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CHRONIC HOPE #6: The Luxury of Looking Forward
Dearborn voters are encouraged to support their public schools on Nov 5th
Melvindale voters are encouraged to support their public schools on Nov 5th
CHRONIC HOPE #5: From Battling Fatigue to Balancing an Energy Budget
A Message to the Arab Americans of Dallas, TX
He Threatened Us, Now He Goes to Jail
CHRONIC HOPE #4: A Potential Risk of Fighting Cancer
The Alternative Universe
Fight to Oppose Expansion of Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility Continues Despite Pushback
CHRONIC HOPE #3: Cancer Complicates My Identity Issues
Our Fractured Nation “Celebrates” the Fourth of July
CHRONIC HOPE #2: Learning to be healthy and have cancer
Cyberbullying: Now Prohibited in Michigan
CHRONIC HOPE: A Cancer Diagnosis
Hammoud Appointment Opens New Era for DPS
Dearborn Hurt By Racial Voting
What About Israel’s Airport Mistreatment of Arab Americans?
Defining “Neighbor”
“Everyone is working hard and smartly to eliminate foreclosures.”
The Vanity of War
Black History Month: Recognizing Black Contributions and Atoning for Our Past
Why I Accused Israel of Cultural Genocide
Progressive Cinema
Middle East Region: Challenges to Stabilization
Arab, Turkish, and Iranian Opinions on Regional Conflicts
Yemeni American Businessman awarded by the State Governor
This Fight Isn’t Over
2017 11 Impact
Love Sweetness
“How to have a conversation about gun control”
Sky Also Smokes Cigarettes
Speak up for the Poor in Bangladesh, and a vision for Yemen
Trump’s Antics: Chaos by Design
Overcoming Divisions to Form an Arab American Community
Supreme Court Issues Ruling on Trump’s Travel Ban
Fasting and Feasting
How to Handle Middle East Instability?
An Unintended “We”
YEMEN Through the Eyes of an American Boy, 40 Years later: NEIGHBORS
The Privilege of Choice
The Spirit of Yemen.. YEMEN Through the Eyes of an American Boy, 40 Years later
What are you afraid of?
A New Song In celebration of World Arabic Language Day
Big Day at the United Nations
Making Room for One More: Hope and Need Adventures in friendship with a Syrian Refugee Woman
YEMEN Through the Eyes of an American Boy, 40 Years later: THE HOUSE ON THE ROCK
Make Room for One More My response to the refugees in our community
Fender-Bender Friendship The tale of an unlikely friendship that was destined to be
US should make bigger investment in education