On October 12th in the Ypsilanti’s Marriott, the three ethnic commissions for the State of Michigan along with the Michigan Office for New Americans (MONA) held their first annual New American Leadership Gala which recognized 6 prominent entrepreneurs and job creators in the State by its Governor Rick Snyder.
By Adel Mozip
The Yemeni American News
The ethnic commissioners along with private citizens nominated people to the award and the two finalists for the Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs were. Iraqi American Mrs. Mary Shaya of J&B Medical and Yemeni American Dr. Mohamed Sohoubah, CEO of BioMed Specialty Pharmacy and Pharmor Pharmacy.
The Appreciation Dinner highlighted the stories of the awardees through video productions.Dr. Sohoubah’s story was the last one of the six and it highlighted his life story, challenges and successes he has made.
His success story is moving as he moved to the US at the age 14 and worked his way up to be now a CEO of the largest Michigan independent pharmacies network. Starting back in 2003 with a pharmacy in Detroit, he currently has a network of 27 pharmacies. He also established BioMed Speciality, a custom compounding pharmacy and has four locations in Southfield, Lansing, Farmington, and Cincinnati. Annual revenue for BioMed alone has reached more than $20 million.
Dr. Sohoubah diversified his investment to real estate with MSR Holding (owning 300 residential units and over 500k of sqt commercial space), and co-partnered with locals to open up restaurants. Dr. Sohoubah is a generous Michigander; who gives back to his community; supporting sporting programs of the Michigan Yemen Sports Association (MYSA) and metro Detroit nonprofits. He has more than 250 direct employees in his various businesses.
“I am a person who has has taken challenges as motivations” Dr. Sohoubah said in his video. In his emotional speech, he thanked his family, especially his parents who raised him in the Southend of Dearborn which he takes great pride in it. He thanked his employees, his mentors, and his mentors who have supported him along the way.
“I’m humbled and honored to receive this award. I have enjoyed my career and I’m truly blessed to be in this country. I believe I’m the American Dream.” he adds.