Jim Parrelly, a financial planner who grew up in East Dearborn, said new leadership is needed to guide the city into the future. Yemeni American News sat with Parrelly as one of four candidates running for Dearborn Mayor.
Tell me about yourself
I am a product of the city of Dearborn, born and raised, product of Dearborn Public Schools… My family lived here their entire life. My grandfather worked for Ford for five dollars a day, settled in the south end, generations of our family for over 100 years have been here, and be able to live the American dream. I went to kindergarten school and 22 years later I graduated from the same school system. We have the opportunity now to serve our community. I think I can be a very unique leader in providing solutions to Dearborn.
How many kids and what are they doing?
Two children one is 32, a graduate from Michigan State. He’s a law student and married. My second young man is 29, a graduate from Michigan State and now is a managing director for J.P. Morgan in Dallas Texas.
Why did you decide to run for Mayor of Dearborn?
My time to impact the city and I know I can do it. I was watching a city council meeting earlier this year, (and after a number for months of discussing my run) the Chief of Staff and the head of the legal department were literally falling asleep, the mayor was not there. Two of his senior people were literally dozing off during their city councilman meeting. That was the clincher for me; I’ve known these people but it’s time now for fresh energy and fresh ideas.
What can you add to the city? 4 people running, New faces one from the city council, the mayor, what makes you different?
I have 38 years of success in business. I’m coming in with relationships from all over the country that can become very instrumental and helpful to Dearborn’s Growth. I’m coming to the city with a great deal of experience in finance. I know how to interact with council on bond issues for instance, very familiar with that whole area of financing of projects and opportunities that the city can get involved in. I can bring the community together. Our mantra in this campaign is celebrating diversity, unifying the community and leading it to another level of prosperity.
What’s your relationship with the Arab American community?
I have a wonderful relationship with the Arab community. I’m a product of Dearborn schools. Lots of my friends are Arab-Americans. My wife lived on Hartwell and Warren. I think that we’re uniquely positioned, having lived in both sides of Dearborn. I think that I have a very good relationship so I think I’ll get a lot of support from the community.
What’s your position on having an indoor soccer field when you become a Mayor?
Eastside of Dearborn is 65% soccer culture; we don’t have an indoor soccer in the city
I remember how much I looked forward to Thursday nights because we would have night gyms. I played in the baseball leagues. You are asking an Italian about soccer, we love soccer. 70% of the community today is probably engaged in soccer. Nobody has worked with CEOs of major corporations that are in this race like me. I worked with managed money. I have relationships with CEOs all 0ver the country. I would have a very good relationship with Ford Motor Company; I believe I can get Ford involved in helping making that a reality. If not I know I have relationships outside of the community that would love to come in and become investors in this type of facility. So I will make you a promise today, we will definitely have an indoor soccer facility. It’s time for the city of Dearborn to take the lead again on many fronts and I am the guy to do it so I promise to have an indoor soccer facility.
What’s your response on the Ford Projects and how it is going to affect the east and south end of Dearborn?
The Ford Projects are obviously excellent for the community and for the Ford Motor Company. Ford has different properties that they own and operate and this allows them to create an environment as they transition away into cars that that don’t have drivers. They need to attract engineers from the top engineering schools into our community and create the environment that these people want to come and work here. They need to create this environment to attract the top minds of engineers and because of my relationship; I believe I could make a very good case to investors. It is about inclusivity, it’s about bringing the community together, and it’s about unifying people. Because I’ve lived here and my business experience working with CEOs and my understanding of finance, I can actually create the transaction.
what’s your message to the voters?
I can really impact on the community because of my experience; in unifying the community and celebrating the great diversity. We have a diverse workforce. Our people are very talented. Our greatest strength is our community. I have been on the trail for the last six month; I can talk to CEOs to recruit jobs for Dearborn. I want companies to come here and set up operations. I can bridge the gap and bring everyone in this community; and to transition our town from where we have been and where we are we’re going. I know I can be that leader!