By Simon Albaugh – Yemeni American News
HAMTRAMCK, Mich. – Hamtramck Public Schools is hiring for a number of positions throughout the district. Ranging from fully certified teachers to building substitute teachers, new hires will enjoy some great perks from the district for their work.
Nearly every new position has a hiring bonus. Substitute teachers who are hired will make $100 every ten days they work, along with $150 every full workday. Full-time teachers receive a number of opportunities for bonuses, including a $7,000 hiring bonus granted over three years of teaching.
Teachers will also have bonuses tied to their attendance. When a teacher misses only one day of teaching or less, they will be offered a $1,000 bonus. For two days, explains Mujahed Elhady, the bonus still reaches $750.
“I want you to mention that there we are doing the same thing for our in-house teachers,” said Mujahed Elhady, Human Resource specialist for Hamtramck Public Schools. “The retention aspect, we want to make sure that we value our teachers, they are also getting a retention bonus that’s also split among over three years.”
The district is hiring a number of teacher positions, administrative staff, secretaries and support staff. Most positions have hiring bonuses.
“Obviously with everything, there are stipulations and conditions with regards to hiring,” Elhady said. “And what do I mean by that? You know, if you’re a teacher, we’re looking for certified teachers. Ff you’re a ParaPro we’re looking to have them have at least 60 credits or more in college or with state certification.”
Along with the exciting hiring opportunities, the Hamtramck Public School District is sharpening its focus on the Virtual Learning Institute, an online learning platform that offers full involvement in the HPS community.
“The Virtual Learning Institute is an option for families that are choosing to opt for their students to learn virtually,” said Nabil Nagi, English Language Director for Hamtramck Public Schools. “Basically, we kick that off by giving students all the materials from Pearson – that’s the vendor we’re working with – that they need. They have their teachers and special tutoring hours. Students that are in that program can request tutoring hours from six to nine for example.”
Hamtramck Public Schools will provide all technology needed for students’ success within the Virtual Learning Institute, explains Nagi. With the Virtual Learning Institute, students are now able to work through their curriculum at a personalized pace, with personal learning opportunities, while still having the opportunity to fully participate in Hamtramck Public School’s extracurricular activities.