Enrollment Season is Here and Kindergarten Readiness is a Must


By: Jaleelah Ahmed, Superintendent, Hamtramck Public Schools

Kindergarten is an exciting time for young students to learn and grow, while starting their academic journey. However, kindergarten can be an overwhelming step for both parents and children, especially in the context of this past year.

With the 2021-22 school year approaching swiftly, parents are eager to ensure their child is prepared for kindergarten. Educators, at Hamtramck Public Schools (HPS) understand these challenges and want to provide incoming parents across the community with the best resources and advice possible to ensure a smooth transition for their child.

While there is no ‘one-size fits all’ learning method, there are some key areas in which parents and guardians can help prepare their child for the skills they will build upon throughout kindergarten. To that end, here are three tips for ensuring your child is kindergarten-ready:

  • Help your child develop independence at home: This includes encouraging your child to use the bathroom without assistance, dress and clean-up after themselves, as well as wash their hands independently.
  • Develop and follow routines: Set up morning routines that are transferable to a school setting, such as waking up around the same time every morning. Having a set morning routine will help your child transition to daily school more smoothly.
  • Engage in meaningful activities that promote literacy: This may include reading aloud to your child or asking them to help you with writing notes and grocery lists. Incorporating these daily opportunities for engagement helps to promote literacy at an impressionable age, as well as introduce students to the type of activities they can expect in the classroom.

Each of these tactics are great starting points for families to support the academic and social-emotional success of their children before they enter the classroom.

We look forward to welcoming the newest members of the HPS community in September. If you’d like more information on our schools or wish to enroll your child, visit HamtramckSchools.org. To contact our parent engagement team and nurses, please reach out to one of the people below:

  • Amra Poskovic: School & Community Facilitator

aposkovic@hamtramckschools.org; 313-912-4502

  • Elizabeth Alpert: School & Community Facilitator

ealpert@hamtramckschools.org; 313-598-9083

  • Corlis Brown-Lloyd: Parent Engagement Facilitator

cbrown-lloyd@hamtramckschools.org; 313-365-5861 ex.6852

  • Rasmia Alnajar: Parent Engagement Facilitator

ralnajar@hamtramckschools.org; 313-717-2259

  • Aysha Shamim: Interpreter

ashamim@hamtramckschools.org; 609-271-1209

  • Melanie Pieknik: District School Nurse

mpieknik@hamtramckschools.org;  313-454-1645

  • George Blankenbaker, Coordinator of Pupil Services

gblankenbaker@hamtramckschools.org 313-892-2035
