Wayne County Coronavirus Update – Apr. 15.


After announcing that the city of Detroit is running on a $3 million deficit, Mayor Mike Duggan announced a plan to balance the city’s budget. The plan involves tapping into the city’s surplus funds, laying off some city employees and cutting employee pay.

A conservative group organized a protest at the Michigan Capital Building called ‘Operation Gridlock’ that was meant to demonstrate against Governor Whitmer’s lockdown measures. The protest was criticized for many things, including blocking emergency vehicles and what appears, in some photos, to be the entrance of a hospital.

The world has passed 2 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, according to Johns Hopkins University’s Coronavirus Resource Center. As of today, less than ten countries have yet to report confirmed cases of the illness.

President Donald Trump’s administration has haulted its funding obligation for the World Health Organization, the organization responsible for mediated international health efforts. President Trump says it’s because the organization did not do enough to stop the spread of the virus from China.

Beaumont Health System has reported that one of its hospitals has been ‘sidelined’ after a recent slowdown in COVID-19 patients. The hospital will be on standby until it’s needed again.

Michigan has reported a total of 28,059 cases of COVID-19. The state of Michigan also has seen 1,921 deaths related to COVID-19 complications. Wayne County reports 387 new cases of COVID-19 with 877 deaths. The total number of COVID-19 cases for Wayne County is 12,491.
