MDHHS offering $20 gift cards for vaccinations in Hamtramck


By Simon Albaugh – Yemeni American News

HAMTRAMCK, Mich. – The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has begun a campaign to increase vaccinations in Hamtramck by offering a $20 gift card if you register and get your COVID Vaccine at their Mar. 3 event.

Gift cards are redeemable at six different locations that include grocery stores, gas stations, Starbucks and other chain stores. In addition to gift cards, Health Care Packages that include a light laundry basket, hand sanitizer, face masks, and other necessities will be available for households that may need it.

The Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines will be available, along with boosters from both manufacturers. However, for minors who wish to get the vaccine, signed parental consent will be needed to receive the vaccine. Minors who get vaccinated will still be able to receive the $20 gift card.

Flu vaccines are also available at no cost for those who still need them during the Mar. 3 event.

Special Accommodations will be made for those who cannot leave their vehicles.

The event will be held at the Hamtramck Woody Plaza, which houses the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services’ Hamtramck office. To register, call 313-815-2658 or email

People who wish to receive the gift card or care package will need to register beforehand by providing a name, phone number, and their age.

Healthcare professionals will be onsite to answer any questions about the vaccine, COVID-19, or the vaccine’s efficacy in preventing COVID-19 infection. Only healthcare professionals will administer the vaccine.
