The Yemeni American News
HAMTRAMCK, Mich. – Over a two-month span, there have been a total of 628 speeding tickets issued in Hamtramck. Between Aug. 1 and Sept. 30, more than 600 cars have sped through the roadways of a city where almost every speed limit is marked at 25mph. That’s a lot.
Recently, the City of Hamtramck received a grant for pedestrian safety education. Police Chief Anne Moise is working with parent groups and the Hamtramck Public School District to remind everyone how a city with that many speeding violations can be dangerous.
In order to help spread the message, here’s a few things the Hamtramck Police Department wants to remind Hamtramck residents and parents:
* Parents and caregivers please remember that young children should not be left unattended outside or allowed to play near the roadway. Children under the age of 10 should not cross streets alone, they typically have not learned the necessary skills to accurately judge traffic risks.
* Set a good example and teach children to cross at the crosswalk whenever possible.
* Look left-right-left before crossing a street and watch for turning vehicles.
* Obey all traffic signals. Only enter the street during the “WALK” symbol when crossing at a signal.
* Walk on the sidewalk; if there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and as far to the left as possible.
* Yield the right-of-way to motorists and bicyclists when crossing outside of a marked crosswalk.
* Allow ample time for a vehicle to yield prior to entering the street.
For drivers, there’s still some things that the city wants you to keep in mind:
- School buses are like traffic signals:
* When overhead lights are flashing yellow: Prepare to Stop
* When overhead lights are flashing red: Stop!
* When hazard lights are flashing: Proceed with Caution
* Slow down in or near schools, parks and residential are
* Watch for children that may run out from between parked cars
* If you have teen drivers in the household, remind them about responsible driving habits and the dangers of distracted driving.