The Yemeni American News Ballot Guide: State and County-wide Candidates and Proposals
The Yemeni American News
On Tuesday, Nov. 8, the polls will be open for in-person voting for the 2022 Midterm Election. This election is used to decide the governor of Michigan, Secretary of State and State Attorney General, among other important elected positions.
Along with the state-wide election, Wayne County will be asked to consider who they want to represent their communities in the State Legislature, Wayne County leadership, Judgeship positions and local school board members. And of course, there’s three state-wide proposals and a Wayne County Millage for voters’ consideration.
To help sort through what’s going to be on the ballot, we’ve outlined the candidates, proposals and potential judges that’s going to be on the ballot for Wayne County. Good luck, Michigan!
Statewide Candidates:
The candidates for Michigan Governor:
- Gretchen Whitmer – Incumbent and Democratic Candidate
- Tudor Dixon – Republican Candidate
- Mary Buzuma – Libertarian Party Candidate
- Donna Brandenburg – U.S. Taxpayers Party Candidate
- Kevin Hogan – Green Party Candidate
- Daryl M. Simpson – Natural Law Party Candidate
The Candidates for Secretary of State:
- Jocelyn Benson – Incumbent and Democratic Candidate
- Kristina Elaine Karamo – Republican Candidate
- Gregory Scott Stempfle – Libertarian Candidate
- Christine C. Schwartz – U.S. Taxpayers Candidate
- Larry James Hutchinson Jr. – Green Candidate
The Candidates for Attorney General:
- Dana Nessel – Incumbent and Democratic Candidate
- Matthew DePerno – Republican Candidate
- Joseph W. McHughs Jr. – Libertarian Candidate
- Gerald T. Van Sickle – U.S. Taxpayers Candidate
Statewide Boards Candidates:
State Board of Education Candidates (voting for two):
- Pamela Pugh – Democratic
- Mitchell Robinson – Democratic
- Tamara D. Carlone – Republican
- Linda Lee Tarver – Republican
- Donna Gundle-Krieg – Libertarian
- Bill Hall – Libertarian
- Ethan Hobson – U.S. Taxpayers
- Marry Anne Hering – Working Class
Regents of the University of Michigan (voting for two):
- Mike Behm – Democratic
- Kathy White – Democratic
- Lena Epstein – Republican
- Sevag Vartanian – Republican
- Eric Larson – Libertarian
- Joe Sanger – U.S. Taxpayers
- Sherry A. Wells – Green
- Kathleen Oakford – Natural Law
Trustees of Michigan State University (voting for two):
- Dennis Denno – Democratic
- Renee Knake Jefferson – Democratic
- Mike Balow – Republican
- Travis Menge – Republican
- Claranna Gelineau – Libertarian
- Max Riekse – Libertarian
- Robin Lea Laurain – Green
Governor of Wayne State University (voting for two):
- Danielle Atkinson – Democratic
- Marilyn Kelly – Democratic
- Christa Murphy – Republican
- Craig Wilsher – Republican
- Bruce Jaquays – Libertarian
- Marc Joseph Sosnowski – U.S. Taxpayers
- Susan Odgers – Green
County-Wide Candidates:
County Executive:
- Warren C. Evans – Democratic
- Mark Ashley Price – Republican
County Sheriff:
- Raphael Washington – Democratic
- Joseph H. LeBlanc – Libertarian
- John J. Tatar – U.S. Taxpayers
Supreme Court Justices:
Justice for Michigan Supreme Court (voting for two):
- Richard Bernstein – Incumbent
- Kyra Harris Bolden
- Paul Hudson
- Kerry Lee Morgan
- Brian Zahra – Incumbent
State-wide Proposals:
Proposal 22-1:
A Proposal to amend the State Constitution to require annual public financial disclosure reports by Legislators and other State Officers and change State Legislator Term Limit to 12 total years in legislature.
Proposal 22-2:
A Proposal to amend the State Constitution to add provisions regarding elections.
Proposal 22-3:
A Proposal to amend the State Constitution to establish new individual right to reproductive freedom, including right to make decisions about pregnancy and abortion; allow state to regulate abortion in some cases; and forbid prosecution of individuals exercising established right.
County-Wide Proposal:
Wayne County Public Transportation Millage:
If approved, this proposal will renew the 0.9949 Mill levied by the Wayne County Transit Authority for the years 2022 through 2025 and will allow continued support to the Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) for a public transportation system serving the elderly, disabled, and general public of Wayne County.
Early-Absentee voting is currently open for residents of Michigan. Polls open at 7am on Nov. 8 for in-person voting. For more information about local initiatives and anything else on your ballot, visit the Michigan Secretary of State’s online Voter Information Center.