the School District of the City of Hamtramck finalized purchase of the properties located at 3056 and 3061 Hanley. On August 24, 2017 certain terms and conditions in the purchase agreement could not be fulfilled. On October 11, 2017 the terms and conditions in the purchase agreement between the seller and buyer were finally agreed upon.
The K-8 school will open on January 29, 2018 under the governance of the Hamtramck Board of Education. The School District is committed to serving the community. The families that had children attending classes in that building before it lost its charter and was closed will have the first opportunity to return to 3056 Hanley.
We are very excited about this acquisition and we are asking for suggestions for the naming of the school. As members of the community, the District would appreciate input on this matter. Please follow the link below to submit suggestions. We would appreciate your input before November 3, 2017. The Board policy for the naming of a school is imbedded in the link. Hamtramck Public Schools staff as well as students are encouraged to write an essay with suggestions for naming the school.