By Simon Albaugh – Yemeni American News
HAMTRAMCK, Mich. – Did you enjoy the three months of sunshine, warm weather, and more importantly, no school? We certainly did. But with the first day of school slowly approaching, it’s no surprise that some students are feeling anxious to go back.
That’s why the Hamtramck Public School District organized a Family Fun Fair. With the goal of helping students get to know their principals and administrators, the Family Fun Fair will provide families an opportunity to come together before the school year officially begins.
“The Family Fun Fair will emphasize togetherness, ease start-of-school nerves and provide resources to HPS families,” says a press release about the event. “The event provides an opportunity for children and parents to connect with administrators and principals from all eight HPS buildings and over 20 Hamtramck-local organizations.”
The fair itself will take place at Pulaski Park on Lumpkin Street, between Edwin and Norwalk on Aug. 23 from 11am to 3pm. Activities at the Family Fun Fair include backpack giveaways, henna and face painting.
Families with students enrolled in Hamtramck Public Schools, or who are looking to enroll their students in Hamtramck Public Schools will find a great opportunity to connect with administrators, learn more about opportunities available from the community, and even watch as their children connect with friends from previous school years.
What: A Community wide event to foster relationships for the benefit of school families.
Who: All Students and families who are enrolled or looking to enroll at Hamtramck Public Schools, Teachers and Administrators of Hamtramck Schools, and over 20 Hamtramck-local organizations.
When: Tuesday, Aug. 23 from 11am to 3pm.
Where: Pulaski Park (9625 Lumpkin St. Hamtramck, MI)