Wayne County Coronavirus Update – May 12.


The Blue Angels, a group of ceremonial Naval Pilots, flew over Detroit today around noon. The weather was perfectly clear for enjoying the dedication to Detroit’s front line workers and healthcare professionals.

A series of online messages threatening Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s life have been publicized over the past two days. Democratic and Republican lawmakers in the Michigan Legislation have expressed their sympathy for the Governor.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leading infectious disease expert in the United States, has warned that states that reopen their economy too soon will experience serious consequences. He warned that states that don’t have the capacity to respond to an inevitable uptick in cases upon reopening will soon be overwhelmed by a second wave of COVID-19.

Michigan has reported a total of 48,021 cases of COVID-19. The state of Michigan also has seen 4,674 deaths related to COVID-19 complications. Wayne County reports 79 new cases of COVID-19. The total number of COVID-19 cases for Wayne County is 18,404.
