Wayne County Coronavirus Update – Apr. 10.


At today’s news conference, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan announced that first responders, bus drivers and other ‘frontline’ workers will receive $800 in hazard pay for each month that the crisis continues. This number includes police, firefighters. Mayor Duggan estimates that between 1,000-2,000 workers will be eligible for the hazard pay.

Gov. Whitmer’s new stay-home order has come with both celebration and criticism as some point to what they see as inconsistencies with the new order.

A nursing home in Riverview Michigan has seen seven residents die after testing positive for COVID-19. 21 other residents and 15 workers have also tested positive for the condition.

University of Michigan Hospital System has suspended its plan to construct a field hospital after the rise in COVID-19 cases has significantly slowed. However, the hospital system doesn’t know if the slow-down of new cases will continue.

Detroit Medical Center’s Sinai Grace Hospital is being described as a ‘warzone’ after reports of patients dying in its hallways and workers running out of body bags was published in a story by the Detroit News. Sinai Grace Hospital is also the same hospital where nurses were removed from the building after staging a sit-in protest over unsafe conditions.

Michigan has reported a total of 22,783 cases of COVID-19. The state of Michigan also has seen 1,281 deaths related to COVID-19 complications. Wayne County reports 434 new cases of COVID-19 with 598 deaths. The total number of COVID-19 cases for Wayne County is 10,4769.
