By Simon Albaugh – Yemeni American News
Detroit, Mich. – On Dec. 10, Wayne County Executive Warren C. Evans announced a grant opportunity for food and entertainment workers whose income has been seriously affected as a result of the state-wide COVID-19 restrictions. Amounting to $500, the goal is to “off-set lost or reduced income due to COVID-19,” says County Executive Evans.
The Grant is open to people who apply to these criteria:
- Applicant must reside in Wayne County
- Applicant must have an annual income in 2019 of less than $76,266, prior to the COVID-19 Crisis
- Applicant must be a current or former employee since Mar. 2020 at one of the following industries affected by Michigan’s latest “pause” policy which includes food service, entertainment venues, hospitality and group exercise.
- If you worked at a restaurant or bar, winery or brewery you must NOT be the owner or manager of the food service establishment.
“Starting today, food service and entertainment venue workers most impacted by the state’s continuing health orders can apply for a one-time $500 grant to help offset lost or reduced income due to COVID-19,” Evans said.
In a statement on the Wayne County Website, the program insisted that no social security numbers will be collected, nor will anyone’s immigration status be asked of. The main concerns are that someone makes less than the required income and resides in Wayne County.
In order to select the winners of the grants, those who apply and meet the criteria will be added to a randomized list of applicants, with a certain number being contacted through phone or email. Be sure to include a form of contact on your application and monitor that form of communication.
You can apply directly on the Wayne County Website here.